Went out the other day with mom and we visited this really neat Anthurium Exhibition organised by Mizoram Anthurium Growers Association. Took some pictures and just wanted to share them :D
Beautiful and vibrant, aren’t they?
There's mom right there hihi...
God works in mysterious ways indeed. Tonight, I went to church to attend a service where our church was visited by members of another church; it was a program for youths (ie, excluding Mom’s and Dad’s). I went not because I wanted to; my parents insisted that I go. I prayed beforehand as usual so that I could concentrate during the service and not dream like I always do. This prayer of mine I always perform, but never really worked. But tonight it did! I sat through the service without drifting away into my world of useless numbness.
Afterwards there was a fellowship filled with various items. There too I was amazed yet again; I was touched. The songs sung, the drama being played out, the solo performed…they were all so wonderful and most of all, praising.
It’s like I was redeemed..saved..rediscovered. Suddenly the world seemed bright for me again, and my God is the most beautiful of all, again. And I can honestly say that I love Him more than anyone or anything. Period.
I got home late. As soon as I stepped into the kitchen, I got a call from one of my friends. He sounded like he was breaking down. Then he told me he’s going to the gospel camp in his church. My reactions were mixed; I was happy for him yet surprised because I had never or almost never received such clear answers of my prayers from God this way (excluding previous events of tonight).
I wanted to listen to some gospel songs and checked my phone. Out of all the songs I’ve been piling into my phone’s memory I was very saddened to find I had none loaded. They were all rock, metal, various newbies trying to make it, oldies, etc., all kinds of genre/artiste you can think of. I immediately booted my computer and transferred the songs to my phone; it’s been so long since I’ve listened to them.
My boyfriend called up. I had so many things going on in my head I couldn’t talk at first. Then slowly I poured it out, he listened patiently. After I’ve stopped talking, he told me to pray a lot and I answered in a snappish way, “Of course I know that!” Yeah I know, I’m like that…but he understands :)
So many works of God in one night, I am awed. Now I pray that my friend comes out well from the camp and be a good person. And that I too won’t stray too far again.
Lots of posts about cooking these days haha..
I had an opportunity to concoct another one of my witch’s brew *cackle cackle* Alryt ahemm…well, mom had a get-together with her old school buddies. So made this for them...I suppose they enjoyed it since they kept askin how I made it; lil great moment for lil o’ me *sigh*
The Eaters :D
Cake base- Should be enough for making 2 layers
Custard powder- 2 tablespoons
Milk- ½(half) litre
Sugar- 2 tablespoons
Jelly mix- 1 packet(pick any flavor you want; I picked Raspberry)
It looks sleek, sexy, blah blah…and I don’t even have to talk about how powerful the phone is…but of course I will hehe.
The Swype keyboard is amazing! But it will have to take some practice to get used to. Even the normal keyboard offers great input; I personally find it easier to type than iPhones. Display- crisp and clear, thanks to the super Amoled display. Screen is quite huge; it brags a 4-inch. Built is slim (only 9.9mm), yet provides a firm grip. Very light with a weight of only 119g. Since this is my first Android phone, I have to get used to it, but it awes me already.
You know, I can’t just keep typing about all the different features and what not..it’ll be too long a post. And plus, I still have to play with it for a few more hours to get everything into my head; the phone’s loaded!
However, it’s a shame I can’t avail of all the features and cool apps it offers due to poor network in my home city- Aizawl. I can’t wait to get better reception once I get out of here.
Here’s few pics of the phone…I’m holding it :D
Nu Hming, if you’re reading this, do please tell me how your handling your iPhone 4 :) We can compare it when you come to
This post is dedicated to my friend Zaia, who introduced and very much inspired me to get this phone (he was obsessed with Galaxy S..geez), while my first intention was to get an iPhone. I owe you one :)
Oh and btw, Kima (of illusionaire) *wavin it under your nose* :p Anyhow, I wish you luck :)
I’m seriously tryin to write here…..*blank*…......blinkin down at my keyboard. Ummm alright, fashion comes to mind.
Let’s see, although I’m not a day-to-day follower of the latest trends, the juiciest shoes nor most gorgeous dresses, I very much appreciate looking good or knowing what trends are in. However I have this (bad) habit of absolutely ridiculing some random stranger I happen to meet who looks absolutely out-of-style :D Alryt alryt, that was plain rude of me but I couldn’t help it!
I was out shopping with my sister the other day scouting for ‘her’ tees, shoes, and what not. Was out the whole day searchin searchin and then bam! I found this gorgeous pair of heels; tanned. Fell head over heels for it and since I didn’t have ready cash in my purse, dashed to the nearest ATM lol…had a weird fun time tryin the shoe on and off and on again!
I really don’t mind if it’s in fashion or not but I like lookin stylish…look at Agyness Deyn, Victoria Beckham, Lily Cole, Daisy Lowe, Sienna Miller, Pixie Geldolf, Rachel Bilson, etc. etc. Doesn’t matter if it’s in or not, they look great in their own unique personal styles. The trick really is to add a dash of personal touch to make the look your own, maybe somethin that compliments your personality; I like adding androgynous touches to how I dress. I'm sure many will agree that it's important to own the look.
Fashion idols:
Victoria Beckham
Agyness Deyn
I’m goin out today. Chose a black skirt with glitter on the hem; high tight waist but flows out (not body huggin), white Mango shirt tucked in, blue pumps with a bit of glitter again (to take away the drab of B&W) which I got for a great bargain durin discount season lol, black Prada leather vintage book-bag, gold-plated Titan men’s watch, and my hair turned up :D Totally comfortable, smart, not over the top. Oh almost forgot, do put on a perfume you love; I decided on ‘CoCo Chanel’ today.
Maybe I’m more critical than I allow myself to admit, since my friends usually sought me out whenever they see someone (stranger, friend or foe) wearin somethin worthy of my scorn or praise. But hey, people need reality checks *evil grin*
I’ve got this one really close friend who knows how to dress herself the way she wants, and look awesome in whatever piece of clothing stuck to her torso. I love goin out with her. Then another one whose wardrobe I told her was very somber..we had a laugh :) Yesterday she told me she got an orange top, texted me jus to tell me that haha; m so proud of her..sniff..
And then…there’s my girl who prefers sparkles and glitters to every item of clothin/shoes she buys!! Oh I musn’t ever forget one fren who’s obsessed with high-end product; even his wallet is...umm..I dnt remember..some expensive stuff I recall.
Another who’s obsessed with vintage and rock! Whoa…m getting carried away. Stopping now...I don't like writing too long at one post, it gets boring.
Different pieces of clothing stuck together to make one close ‘quilt’ of frenship. They’ll know I'm talkin bout them when they read this :D (though I didn’t mention all..sowiee!)