27 October 2010

I nailed the quiz

I participated in this quiz conducted by K.T.P of our community. It stands for Kristian Thalai Pawl (in Mizo language) and they are a group of youths working and combining their respective resources for the betterment of the community in the name of Christ.

I have to admit I’m never very enthused to participate in any of the activities of the group although I ‘am’ a member. But then hey, they chose me to represent my group (i.e., Group B, out of 3 groups) and I went along with my designated quiz partner. The topic was GK (general knowledge). I wasn’t quite sure if I was up to it, but then again I did go through some thick books and scores of old newspapers during the past week, so I had a wee bit of confidence burning inside!

The event was last night. Like a shy person I am, I was a nervous wreck on the stage; my hands literally went all out cold! :) Brrr…scary moment it was. The competition went along and yes it was rather entertaining. Come to think of it, I was having fun which is ummmm…weird since I was so nervous at the start. We (my group) won, and I felt so proud to have done my co-members well. Received a lot of hand-shakes too, and ‘that’ was good! :D


  1. Congrats! And where are you right now??? Which KTP group is this?

  2. @illusionaire: Right now I'm in Aizawl and will remain here till New Year. Ramhlun North veng :D


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