05 December 2010


What makes us human?
That we can think?
That we can feel sorrow and pain?
Maybe that we can laugh?

It’s cause we can love till our heart bleeds..
Till we can't give anymore of ourselves..
Till it hurts too much you can't breathe..
Till you've shed so many tears u can't cry anymore..

And that..that's what makes us human.


  1. Interesting post. It gives the reader quite an after-thought. A very cynical definition I've heard of 'love', goes something like this - "Love is just an illusion propounded by nature to ensure that we as human beings get to keep making babies" :P I said cynical, didn't I? :D

    But yes,on a serious note I understand what you're trying to communicate. It is a quintessential quality of the human condition to keep making mistakes, or walk down the same path even if we know that we've walked that path before and it ended it despair. In other words, we can "hope against all hope hopen" (in the words of Ogden Nash), which I think is essentially and uniquely human.

  2. @Andy: If this were facebook, I'd "like" the first paragraph you've written here :D Yes..I like the characteristics of cynical!

  3. Love, obviously is an emotion that makes us human! Frankly, I suppose there could never be people devoid of any such feelings! These Emotions have been given to us by nature! A precious gift from God!

  4. @Maisek: You're right; a precious gift from God indeed


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