04 December 2010

little matters of three/four weeks

I’ve been feeling completely lazy and I’m lagging behind in new posts. I’ve been busy too, to save my face! Well, nu Hmingi (mom’s best friend) and pa Will (her husband) came to Aizawl (my city) for a visit. We hardly get to see them with their living in the States. They stayed for a week...an incredibly busy yet awesome week :D

Look at the two of them all smiles at the top of Reiek Tlang or Mount Reiek (mom with glasses) :

And with dad & pa Will:

They got the Texas cowboy hat on dad’s head just for him...hmph! Yes yes, they live in Houston.

I really miss them right now…

After they left, a family relative passed away for whom a funeral had to be held. And followed immediately by my aunt’s family coming for a visit. They live in Lunglei which is another city. Their little daughter, Sarah, is shooo cute……*chuckles*

Aaaaaanyway, in the midst of all these, I got a lot going on in my own world too…like…ummm…reading books, helping my sis with her college application work, doing my own university application work, devouring more books, facebooking, cooking with mom and nu Hmingi (before she left), watching The Big Bang Theory marathon, catching the latest movies, more books, etc. So yeah, I had my hands full ~_~

Me getting comical in cowboy boots twice too large for my size :P


  1. Kim Kim,
    You are a great writer. How beautifully you summed up three or 4 weeks. I love to read your writing regardless of what it is all about. Keep writing dear one!
    The week (actually 10 days) was marvelous, getting to know you as a young lady and of course seeing your mom again was the very best. Your dad was always good to all of us. It certainly was one of the best weeks I had ever had.
    See you again soon!
    love you,
    nu hmingi

  2. @nu Hming: Thanks for the compliment on my writing; a great motivation for me :) Hope I can come visit you soon...probably next year hehe. I'll keep you updated

  3. Nice pics. Were they taken with a Samsung Galaxy S? :D

    Your new boots look cool. I'm sure it must have been great meeting people who are dear to you and your family after such a long time.

  4. @illusionaire: Yup, definitely taken with my Samsung Galazy S :)


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