Congratulations little sister! Today you become a woman, an adult, a mature professional. The world should applaud you and consider themselves lucky they'll get to have you as you graduate with accolades; out of the cocoon of education into the real world. I've been here longer than you and I'm not going to sweeten the truth: the world can be hard, cruel, unkind and misunderstanding of your needs, you desires to succeed and the efforts you have put in. But when I think back of the time you trotted behind me everywhere I go at 2 years young, me trying to shake you off but you never getting disheartened as you stubbornly just follow me around anyway, I'm not worried about you as I look on you striding confidently across that stage, I'm just so so proud of the person you've become and I'm happy I get to be your big sister. You've come a long way my baby sister, and now all I see as you receive that hard earned diploma is a strong beautiful lady who's ready to take on more challenges and trump them. With the confidence you always have, faith in God held close, and knowing you have a wonderful family behind you as always, I hope you go forth and conquer it all. Believe in your dreams but never underestimate detours are a necessity, keep your morals true but don't be so hard on yourself, and if you ever find yourself in a dark cloud remember there's always a silver lining - you just have to look. And above all else, put God first. I love you Kuz. Your big sister.